Ethical Pay Pro facilitates QuickBooks credit card processing, so you get rings!

QuickBooks Credit Card Processing Has More Rings

Need affordable QuickBooks credit card processing?

Intuit’s accounting solution offered in desktop or online versions is the playa with the most rings — the GOAT of the financial software industry.

QuickBooks has 4.5 million users and estimated to have 80% market share of small businesses in the United States. 

Some may not like using it, but QuickBooks is dominant:

Ethical Pay Pro’s payment processor of choice recently partnered with Chargezoom, a QuickBooks certified solution that will enable a SMB (small to medium-sized business) to process credit card transactions and not get burdened by a 300-pound anchor of fees that sink profits to the ocean floor.

Furthermore, Chargezoom allows customer charges to autopost to QuickBooks, reducing the need for tedious bookkeeping.

Let’s take a hypothetical with a small business that, as of late, is much needed and underappreciated — a childcare provider.

QuickBooks Credit Card Processing 4 Kiddos

Jack & Jill’s Daycare uses QuickBooks online to manage their accounting and finances. Their customers are younger and used to paying with a card or smartphone via Apple Pay. Checks are foreign to them like horse and buggy transportation was to Boomers.

J & J’s Owner wants to be able to have her customers pay conveniently. Through QuickBooks, she can apply for a merchant account or a type of bank account that allows businesses to accept payments in a variety of ways, including debit or credit cards as well as online payments.

Once accepted, J & J’s customers can pay onsite at a virtual terminal where the receptionist can key in a customer’s card number on a desktop or laptop computer. Some customers prefer an invoice, so J & J’s Owner can send an email with a convenient Pay Now button.

The system is fast. Once the customer pays, he or she doesn’t have to wait around a long time for their bank to tell the network if the credit card payment is successful or not. It takes seconds.

Better yet, J & J gets the deposit next day if the payment was made before 3pm.

The staff doesn’t have process a ton of paperwork and can focus on doing what they do best —taking care of little kids.

Every Kid Gets Candy: Pass on the Fees

J & J’s Owner is stoked but heard from a colleague that credit card processing fees ate up much of her daycare’s profit. This is not uncommon, as “swipe fees” cost local diners, small gas stations and other U.S. small businesses $30 billion each year.

Ethical Pay Pro has a solution. We can connect J & J’s Owner with our payment processor of choice and pass fees on to customers legally through RewardPay, a 100% compliant surcharging program.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Play with the RewardPay calculator and see the savings.

Let’s say J & J charges each child $100/day, so their monthly volume is about $107.5k. The facility has 50 kids or monthly transaction total. QuickBooks charges 3.4% on debit card charges. Let’s assume all card transactions are debit, so J & J’s current monthly card processing bill is $3638 monthly or 43k annually.

With RewardPay, J & J has a new monthly cost of $1087.50 or $13,050 annually with $2550.50 monthly savings and $30.6 annually in savings.

For this hypothetical SMB, the RewardPay savings are nearly the cost of an additional annual salary for another employee. This program saves J & J serious coin!

Convenience & Savings

With RewardPay and QuickBooks credit card processing, Jack & Jill’s Daycare now has a payment solution that improves how customers want to pay her and enables deposits quickly.

Furthermore, J & J’s accountant will like the numbers generated in all those QuickBooks reports showing surging revenue and declining expenses, as the business is able to dramatically reduce credit card processing fees that take a bite out of the bottom line.

Furthermore, the J & J Accounting team will not have to log all card transactions into QuickBooks as Chargezoom allows autoposting.

You don’t have to be a childcare provider to benefit from QuickBooks credit card processing. You can be the GOAT of fitness coaches or the local all-star laundromat. Wherever the greatness of your business lies, we can help improve it with smart payment solutions like QuickBooks certified payment solutions.

If you are a business owner that wants more rings, tap here for a free consultation.